Portfolio Review Requirements for Admission

Close up of male Visual Communication Design student at a drafting table at Champlain College in 真人线上娱乐, Vermont

Your success in our programs is important to us

For some majors, submitting a portfolio of your work is a required step in the admissions process. The purpose of the portfolio submission is to evaluate your development as a creator and assess your ability to thrive in the program you've selected. We are looking for evidence of enthusiasm for the kind of work each major requires along with some of the basic technical and cognitive skills you'll need to succeed in our fast-moving curriculum.

All portfolio submissions will be reviewed by the faculty of each respective major.

Please upload your required portfolio to the major in Slideroom that corresponds to the one in which you are applying for admission.

Animation (BFA)

Art portfolio consisting of 5 or more files of artistic pieces, including 1 with required drawings


Creative Media (BFA)

A new creative piece in response to a given theme, 5 additional work samples, and a personal statement


Filmmaking (BFA)

1 video or movie sample (up to 5 min) OR 1 script (3-5 pages) and photos


Game Art (BS)

Art portfolio consisting of 3 required drawings and examples of traditional and/or digital creative work


Game Design (BS)

Create a simple board game based on a specific theme


Graphic Design & Visual Communication (BFA)

Art portfolio consisting of 5 or more artistic pieces or images, and an art narrative


We Are a Test-Optional School

Champlain is a test-optional school. What does that mean to you as an applicant? If you would like us to consider your standardized test scores, by all means, feel free to include them with your submitted application. If you would rather us consider your application without them, we are happy to do that as well.

Learn More

Admission counselor at Champlain College speaking with a student.

Personal Interviews Are Wonderful!

You can tell a lot about people by simply speaking with them. We encourage virtual Personal Interviews for high school seniors and transfer students interested in applying to Champlain. The conversation is casual—it's like two friends getting to know one another.

Learn more

Champlain Application Dashboard

Our Application Dashboard allows you to monitor the status of your application and determine if you have any outstanding requirements. If you do not already have an account for our Dashboard, please create one using the same email address you used when applying.

Create your account or sign in

Admissions Application Deadlines

Application DatesDecision Release Dates*
Early Decision I November 15 Mid December
Early Decision II December 15 Mid January
Regular Decision January 15
Mid-February/Early March
Extended Regular Decision February 15 Mid-to-late March
Transfer Priority Deadline: June 1 Rolling
Spring Enrollment**
Priority Deadline: October 1 Rolling

All deadlines are 11:59 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to ensure that your financial aid award includes all of the institutional and federal aid you are eligible to receive.

Champlain's FAFSA code is 003684

*Decision release dates are contingent on receiving all requisite application materials by the stated deadlines, including transcripts and portfolios, if required.
**Certain majors are not eligible for Spring enrollment.