A long exposure of a library with high ceilings during busy hours

Study Abroad

Explore, Immerse, Engage: Become a Global Professional

Studying abroad offers a unique opportunity for you to immerse yourself in the adventure and excitement of living in a new culture and exploring a new country.

Because studying abroad can increase your hiring potential, support personal growth, and provide you with life-changing experiences, we are devoted to making sure you can study in a country of your choice. In addition to our home in Vermont, we have campuses in Montreal, Canada, and Dublin, Ireland, plus other study abroad options—and a mission and curriculum that encourage international study. More than 50% of our students study abroad, and many also intern while they’re there! Take a look at your study abroad options:

Champlain Abroad: Dublin

Do you want to study abroad in a stimulating academic and cultural environment and also be able to travel to numerous countries? Or, how about studying abroad at the same cost as a semester at Champlain's 真人线上娱乐 campus? Then explore, immerse, and engage with Champlain Abroad Dublin!

A large group of students posing for a photo on coastal Irish cliffs

Champlain Abroad: Montreal

With Canada being the largest trading partner to the United States and Montreal being one of the world's leading multimedia cities as well as a dynamic business and design center, you will have numerous opportunities to gain a very unique international perspective on the evolving workplace and the career essentials needed to become a global professional.

Three students sit on the steps of a large building

Other Study Abroad Options

Living and learning in another country allows you to see yourself and your country from another worldview and expand your global perspective. Through the Office of International Education, Champlain students have a multitude of options of studying or interning abroad.

A small tour boat on a calm river in a city in China

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